Saturday, June 27, 2009

♥ 싸이월드♥ is money well wasted

    Well I havn't written much in this blog since February~ But here Goes.. I have been too busy living and doing school for the past couple of months. This is my only 1 week summer break which will be ending in like 2 days so sad. On the bright side I got to use my parents credit card and buy $11.00 worth of cyworld stuff for the next year. Usually I spend like $5.00-$10.00 on my cyworld a year. Any more than that would be ridiculously expensive and unncecessary. Though there are so many tempting option OMG~ For the last year I had a summer , blue theme. So for a while there was this bright orange skin by my favorite korean illustrator that I have been fond of since like 6 months ago.. After having a short vote on Facebook. I finally decide to buy the Orange on. I like how both Soo and I really like the same skin. Soo said that the orange one is unique and reminded her of me. I was like OMG~ :> I love this one too! Soo said; "역시시 나랑랑 타냐랑은 ♥ ( something like we are the same person) That made me tons happy... ~


Just for the heck of it I feel like writting some thing about cyworld. It seems to be the next best thing on interpals. The "interpals" or language practice site that I joined a long time ago to keep up my korean...well there are a lot of young kids like 13-15 year old who are getting into the whole "YAY KOREAN DRAMA and MAIN STREAM MUSIC thing." Anyways the whole point is that for non korean getting a cyworld is really really difficult with all their fancy internet security. The fact that I was able to translate all that shite and properly fill out an application as well get a cyworld 1 year ago with my horrible horrible korean skills is a miracle. I guess I was just so determined to keep up with my friends and all....  and now getting closer to the fact.. on the interpals site a bunch of youngsters are amazed by my korean and the fact that I'm not korean and own a Cy.. I've been getting privet messeges all week from people litterally begging for help on getting one. There is a girl from US who studied korean and is quite good at it..~ I call her my 외국인 Homey" ㅎㅎ. I've been trying to help her get a CY so that she can get an e-mail adress that can let you use "네이트 온." (Nate ON)--> A korean version of MSN messenger. Basically it's another trick that I discovered on my own..." A year ago I noticed that the nate on site had no foreigner registration. When I downloaded the messsnger I found a cyworld option available. Then I thought to myself, "Geee what if register for a cyworld e-mail sevice than I can try to log into the nate on with that. " And as genious as I thought my plan would be and... it was!! I got my nate on messenger, amazed all my k-buddies lolz. Anyways the thing that I really love about this messenger is it has a link to enter right to you cyworld mini hompi ( mini home page). ... All in all it's not that hard in getting your own KR cyworld all you need is a valid passport... Alothough I can definetely see what all the big craze is all about. This little thing called cyworld is an addictive thing. There is just so much more fun on it than the original north american sites... Bacially if you really want to know what it is lemme decsribe it like I see it. It's a Facebook-blogger-photobucket-emial-personal website all in one. I am still hooked on it and have been for over a yearrrr. The best features is you can get a background, charms tabs, and you choice of either story room or miniroom. (I chose story room) :D  For me I chose a story room and bought like 4 different interchange able wallpapers for it... you can also get a photo frame stickers and tabs for this little thing... Outisde of that there is a photo slide that Lets you basically display up to three photo's for free.~ under that there is a space for friends to leave you comments (I am currently hiding this). There is a photo place a diary, a free board, hell you can even buy music ( I never have yet) and also video... and comment board for privet comments lol. The best part is that the menu tab is adjustable and you can remove options you don't need. ~ All there are super adjustable privacy settings on almost every feature :)

                   This is the one that I chose to Buy~ :D 

              Here are the other options that I have been debating on :D

                They all look so lovely but I guess bright orange/red beats em all~

                           2009-2010 Version of my Cyworld

Also I changed my cyworld domain for like the third time.. But I swear folks this is like my last permanent change promise. First it was (prisoneroflove20) second (coloryoursoul89) Third and final (Tanyayayaya). So now for those of you who want to visit.... here's the link  It's just a playoff on my name.. Older korean people add 아 or 야 to younger persons name when calling them to make it cute lol. For me mine would be 타냐야. Tanya-ya.. when I was drunk I kept saying yayayay so yeah... anyways there is not much that I need to write about now... I am just bored out of my mind........................What do I do. 


I have extremely boring  subjects comming up for the last part of my college. I have three class out of the three two suck. They are english and Art history. The only fun one is portfolio design. *sigh* some one shoot me right now pleaseeeee. Anyways I have school on Tuesday, Thursday and friday. The schedual is fucked though.. I mean On tuesday I go to class from 10am-11am then lunch and after that from 12-pm -5-pm non break classes :( same for thursday. Only friday is a bit better I think~ *sigh*

anyways that's most of the post for now~ 

현제는 그냥 나의 여름 방학이고 난 포스트 하고 있어요~ 지금은 난 스스로 한국어를 공부하고있고 티비 고 있고... 그림그려요. 08.15.2009 까지 난 학교 있어서 컴퓨터 사용 할 수 없어요~ 미안해요.  1 달 전에 우리 남자 친구가 한국에 돌았어서 난 정말 슬픈이에요. ~ 나의 남자 정말 보고고 싶어요.  


  1. Sorry I wasn't around to vote for your cyworld skin, but I can tell you it looks splendid. Orange is such an underrated color. It's just so visually striking, you can't resist it. The design is lovely too.

    Also, you may be becoming a celebrity as one of those rare non-Korean cyworlders. Sounds like a tedious process getting it all organized. I've always had problems registering at Korean sites, since most of the time they are region-protected. You are smart, really.

    As for school, ick. Looks like written work is not your forte at all. Maybe you can sneak in a snack into your Tuesday and Thursday classes. It's going to be "fun", that's for sure.

  2. ~ It's alright I'm sure you would've voted for the orange one too right?! XDDD It is such an unusual color so I chose it because of that~ The usual pink blue, white girly think is great and all but ... YAY for crazy ass colors :DDD~
    Being a celebrity is not all that fun lol... Some people think I have stolen some one's residence number X0.. and now they were like begging me to lend it to them .. lolz after telling them a million times that I don't have any korean residence *sigh*
    ~ Yeah I hate written work.. In the first semester way back in january I had an art show case class which was just listening to guest artists taking notes and writting essays ... I got the highes mark on that like the on A with a plus.. but I really hated that class. It's funny how I can do well in my most hated subjects.. and the english that's comming up is like maybe grade 11/12 high school applied english... However all my international homies are shit scared about english ..~ class after my friends and I read our next semester schedual my taiwanese friend saw english and said "oh shit"! then she turned around and put her hand on my shoulder saying " thankyou Taniya~ I'm glad we're friends. Lolz it was funny~
    ~andz yeah about that make up.. what did I forget??? was it the black small purse??
